Chasing Bolts of Light, Ghost Bike, 2019
My intention within these works was to question ‘perceived binaries’ via long exposure photography, by examining the notion of the ‘subjective and objective’ through an observation of movement within cycling and in doing so, to test the boundaries of these binaries to discover where they merge. I also wanted to explore the visual feeling of motion whilst expressing the duality of movement and stillness that a single long-exposure image can convey.
Subjectively, you can experience my ride, both as I take and narrate a ‘version’ of it (text below / image titles), whilst objectively you see the journey from the camera’s perspective as it captures and compacts these moments into a single space-time, to be observed and interpreted by the viewer. This can be better described as "their state of temporality”, each segment of time has been captured, accumulated, frozen. It now exists both in the past and in the present, locked within these images.

Netherworld, Ghost Bike, 2019



Chasing Bolts of Light

Oxygen Overload

This Chase

Interdimensional Conduit

Subspace Disturbance

In Orbit
Throughout this project I shot many sets of images, these (above) were the finals of a single series.
I had the bike and camera rigged in different ways as I iterated, experimenting with capturing myself on the bike, the journey seen over the handlebars and the vista alone.
The project title "Ghost Bike" refers to my mountain bike, which is a Ghost ASX1100, but also refers to the 'ghostly otherliness' of the cyclists captured in the process.
I had the bike and camera rigged in different ways as I iterated, experimenting with capturing myself on the bike, the journey seen over the handlebars and the vista alone.
The project title "Ghost Bike" refers to my mountain bike, which is a Ghost ASX1100, but also refers to the 'ghostly otherliness' of the cyclists captured in the process.
The poetic verse I created references the images in order of capture, as I cycled a specific route, and describes both the image and the journey. Those familiar with cycle routes in London will be able to tell where this journey took place! (It's a well known CS route!).

(Below) Sample composite images from this series and the silhouettes of bike part stills.